Эта статья последний раз обновлялась 396 дней назад. Информация в этой статье могла измениться или измениться.
nuclei/README_CN.md at master · projectdiscovery/nuclei (github.com)
Среда установки Windows 10 — GreenForestQuan — Blog Park (cnblogs.com)
(1 сообщение) Установка Linux Go1.17_Блог Heiwa-CSDN-блог
Для настройки и установки среды go обратитесь к статье по установке.
Установить ядра
go install -v github.com/projectdiscovery/nuclei/v2/cmd/nuclei@latest
В процессе установки вы не сможете загрузить. Просто перейдите по ссылке ниже, чтобы изменить его на внутренний прокси-сервер.
Releases · projectdiscovery/nuclei (github.com)
Nuclear_2.6.0_linux_arm64.zip Загрузите, распакуйте и загрузите на сервер.
wget https://github.com/projectdiscovery/nuclei/releases/download/v2.6.0/nuclei_2.6.0_linux_amd64.zip
unzip nuclei_2.6.0_linux_amd64.zip
Просто беги
apt install nuclei
Nuclei is a fast, template based vulnerability scanner focusing
on extensive configurability, massive extensibility and ease of use.
nuclei [flags]
-u, -target string[] target URLs/hosts to scan
-l, -list string path to file containing a list of target URLs/hosts to scan (one per line)
-resume Resume scan using resume.cfg (clustering will be disabled)
-t, -templates string[] template or template directory paths to include in the scan
-tu, -template-url string[] URL containing list of templates to run
-nt, -new-templates run only new templates added in latest nuclei-templates release
-w, -workflows string[] workflow or workflow directory paths to include in the scan
-wu, -workflow-url string[] URL containing list of workflows to run
-validate validate the passed templates to nuclei
-tl list all available templates
-tags string[] execute a subset of templates that contain the provided tags
-itags, -include-tags string[] tags from the default deny list that permit executing more intrusive templates
-etags, -exclude-tags string[] exclude templates with the provided tags
-it, -include-templates string[] templates to be executed even if they are excluded either by default or configuration
-et, -exclude-templates string[] template or template directory paths to exclude
-s, -severity value[] Templates to run based on severity. Possible values: info, low, medium, high, critical
-es, -exclude-severity value[] Templates to exclude based on severity. Possible values: info, low, medium, high, critical
-pt, -type value[] protocol types to be executed. Possible values: dns, file, http, headless, network, workflow, ssl, websocket, whois
-ept, -exclude-type value[] protocol types to not be executed. Possible values: dns, file, http, headless, network, workflow, ssl, websocket, whois
-a, -author string[] execute templates that are (co-)created by the specified authors
-id, -template-id string[] List of template IDs to run (comma-separated, file)
-eid, -exclude-id string[] List of template IDs to exclude (comma-separated, file)
-o, -output string output file to write found issues/vulnerabilities
-silent display findings only
-nc, -no-color disable output content coloring (ANSI escape codes)
-json write output in JSONL(ines) format
-irr, -include-rr include request/response pairs in the JSONL output (for findings only)
-nm, -no-meta don't display match metadata
-nts, -no-timestamp don't display timestamp metadata in CLI output
-rdb, -report-db string local nuclei reporting database (always use this to persist report data)
-ms, -matcher-status show optional match failure status
-me, -markdown-export string directory to export results in markdown format
-se, -sarif-export string file to export results in SARIF format
-config string path to the nuclei configuration file
-rc, -report-config string nuclei reporting module configuration file
-H, -header string[] custom headers in header:value format
-V, -var value custom vars in var=value format
-r, -resolvers string file containing resolver list for nuclei
-sr, -system-resolvers use system DNS resolving as error fallback
-passive enable passive HTTP response processing mode
-ev, -env-vars enable environment variables to be used in template
-cc, -client-cert string client certificate file (PEM-encoded) used for authenticating against scanned hosts
-ck, -client-key string client key file (PEM-encoded) used for authenticating against scanned hosts
-ca, -client-ca string client certificate authority file (PEM-encoded) used for authenticating against scanned hosts
-ztls Use ztls library with autofallback to standard one for tls13
-iserver, -interactsh-server string interactsh server url for self-hosted instance (default: oast.pro,oast.live,oast.site,oast.online,oast.fun,oast.me)
-itoken, -interactsh-token string authentication token for self-hosted interactsh server
-interactions-cache-size int number of requests to keep in the interactions cache (default 5000)
-interactions-eviction int number of seconds to wait before evicting requests from cache (default 60)
-interactions-poll-duration int number of seconds to wait before each interaction poll request (default 5)
-interactions-cooldown-period int extra time for interaction polling before exiting (default 5)
-ni, -no-interactsh disable interactsh server for OAST testing, exclude OAST based templates
-rl, -rate-limit int maximum number of requests to send per second (default 150)
-rlm, -rate-limit-minute int maximum number of requests to send per minute
-bs, -bulk-size int maximum number of hosts to be analyzed in parallel per template (default 25)
-c, -concurrency int maximum number of templates to be executed in parallel (default 25)
-hbs, -headless-bulk-size int maximum number of headless hosts to be analyzed in parallel per template (default 10)
-hc, -headless-concurrency int maximum number of headless templates to be executed in parallel (default 10)
-timeout int time to wait in seconds before timeout (default 5)
-retries int number of times to retry a failed request (default 1)
-mhe, -max-host-error int max errors for a host before skipping from scan (default 30)
-project use a project folder to avoid sending same request multiple times
-project-path string set a specific project path
-spm, -stop-at-first-path stop processing HTTP requests after the first match (may break template/workflow logic)
-stream Stream mode - start elaborating without sorting the input
-headless enable templates that require headless browser support (root user on linux will disable sandbox)
-page-timeout int seconds to wait for each page in headless mode (default 20)
-sb, -show-browser show the browser on the screen when running templates with headless mode
-sc, -system-chrome Use local installed chrome browser instead of nuclei installed
-debug show all requests and responses
-debug-req show all sent requests
-debug-resp show all received responses
-p, -proxy string[] List of HTTP(s)/SOCKS5 proxy to use (comma separated or file input)
-tlog, -trace-log string file to write sent requests trace log
-elog, -error-log string file to write sent requests error log
-version show nuclei version
-v, -verbose show verbose output
-vv display templates loaded for scan
-tv, -templates-version shows the version of the installed nuclei-templates
-update update nuclei engine to the latest released version
-ut, -update-templates update nuclei-templates to latest released version
-ud, -update-directory string overwrite the default directory to install nuclei-templates
-duc, -disable-update-check disable automatic nuclei/templates update check
-stats display statistics about the running scan
-sj, -stats-json write statistics data to an output file in JSONL(ines) format
-si, -stats-interval int number of seconds to wait between showing a statistics update (default 5)
-m, -metrics expose nuclei metrics on a port
-mp, -metrics-port int port to expose nuclei metrics on (default 9092)
./nuclei -u
Введение - Nuclei - сканер уязвимостей, управляемый сообществом (projectdiscovery.io)
id: ECOLORY_9_Xstream_Deserialization
name: ECOLORY_9_Xstream1.3_Deserialization
author: yulate
severity: high
reference: https://cangqingzhe.github.io/2021/05/15/%E6%B3%9B%E5%BE%AEXstream%E5%8F%8D%E5%BA%8F%E5%88%97%E5%8C%96%E6%BC%8F%E6%B4%9E%E5%88%86%E6%9E%90/
tags: deserialization,ecolory
- raw:
- |
POST /services/WorkflowServiceXml HTTP/1.1
Host: {{Hostname}}
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/68.0
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Connection: close
Cookie: ecology_JSessionid=aaaUAAjpfASw1aok7Ik8x; JSESSIONID=aaaUAAjpfASw1aok7Ik8x; __randcode__=0a5ffe18-ed71-411d-967d-d13680450da0
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
Cache-Control: max-age=0
Content-Length: 347
Content-Type: text/xml
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:web="webservices.services.weaver.com.cn">
- type: word
part: body
- "doCreateWorkflowRequestResponse"
condition: and
- type: status
- 200
При написании шаблонов обратите внимание, что идентификатор не может содержать специальные символы.,нравиться.
{{BaseURL}} Исходный URL-адрес чтения
{{Hostname}} Хост в заголовке запроса
Необработанное местоположение — это реальный пакет данных HTTP-запроса. Перед написанием шаблона вы можете использовать bp для отправки пакета данных для тестирования уязвимостей и скопировать отправленный пакет данных в необработанное местоположение.
Часть сопоставителей предназначена для сопоставления эхо-пакета ответа. Пример шаблона в этой статье — это сопоставление слов. Этот тип сопоставления будет сравниваться с эхо-содержимым. Если сопоставление окажется успешным, будет отображена уязвимость.
./nuclei -u -t ./POC/ECOLORY_9.0_DESER.yaml -p
Здесь вы можете видеть, что уязвимость успешно просканирована.
Просмотры: 1414