# Install packages
# Load Packages
> gwasinfo("ukb-b-12493") ##Эссенциальная гипертония
id trait
1 ukb-b-12493 Diagnoses - secondary ICD10: I10 Essential (primary) hypertension
1 41204#I10: Output from GWAS pipeline using Phesant derived variables from UKBiobank
sample_size build year category ncase consortium ncontrol nsnp
1 463010 HG19/GRCh37 2018 Binary 54358 MRC-IEU 408652 9851867
group_name population priority author ontology unit sex mr
1 public European 1 Ben Elsworth NA SD Males and Females 1
1 NA
hyperten_tophits <- tophits(id="ukb-b-12493", clump=0)
hyperten_gwas <- rename(hyperten_tophits, c(
hyperten_liberal <- clump_data(hyperten_gwas, clump_kb = 10000, clump_r2 = 0.05,) ##Параметры регулируются
## Removing 2685 of 2773 variants due to LD with other variants or absence from LD reference panel
hyperten_liberal$id.exposure = "hyperten - liberal clump"
Вычислить значение F и значение R^2
# Calculate R2 and F stat for exposure data
# Liberal hypertension F stat
hyperten_liberal$r2 <- (2 * (hyperten_liberal$beta.exposure^2) * hyperten_liberal$eaf.exposure * (1 - hyperten_liberal$eaf.exposure)) /
(2 * (hyperten_liberal$beta.exposure^2) * hyperten_liberal$eaf.exposure * (1 - hyperten_liberal$eaf.exposure) +
2 * hyperten_liberal$N * hyperten_liberal$eaf.exposure * (1 - hyperten_liberal$eaf.exposure) * hyperten_liberal$se.exposure^2)
hyperten_liberal$F <- hyperten_liberal$r2 * (hyperten_liberal$N - 2) / (1 - hyperten_liberal$r2)
hyperten_liberal_meanF <- mean(hyperten_liberal$F)
# Find SNPs in outcome data
ao <- available_outcomes()
anxiety_hyperten_liberal <- extract_outcome_data(snps = hyperten_liberal$SNP, outcomes = "ukb-b-11311")
Extracting data for 88 SNP(s) from 1 GWAS(s)
Finding proxies for 34 SNPs in outcome ukb-b-11311
Extracting data for 34 SNP(s) from 1 GWAS(s)
Server code: 502; Server is possibly experiencing traffic, trying again...
Server code: 502; Server is possibly experiencing traffic, trying again...
Server code: 502; Server is possibly experiencing traffic, trying again...
Retry succeeded!
Вы также можете проверить финальную информацию——
gwasinfo("ukb-b-11311") ##беспокойство
id trait
1 ukb-b-11311 Diagnoses - secondary ICD10: F41.9 Anxiety disorder, unspecified
1 41204#F419: Output from GWAS pipeline using Phesant derived variables from UKBiobank
sample_size build year category ncase consortium ncontrol nsnp
1 463010 HG19/GRCh37 2018 Binary 1523 MRC-IEU 461487 9851867
group_name population priority author ontology unit sex mr
1 public European 1 Ben Elsworth NA SD Males and Females 1
1 NA
# Harmonise datasets
harm_anxiety_hyperten_liberal <- harmonise_data(exposure_dat = hyperten_liberal, outcome_dat = anxiety_hyperten_liberal)
Harmonising hyperten (hyperten - liberal clump) and Diagnoses - secondary ICD10: F41.9 Anxiety disorder, unspecified || id:ukb-b-11311 (ukb-b-11311)
Removing the following SNPs for being palindromic with intermediate allele frequencies:
rs1870735, rs35184780
> dim(harm_anxiety_hyperten_liberal)
[1] 55 43
anxiety_hyperten_liberal_results <- mr(dat = harm_anxiety_hyperten_liberal)
Обратите внимание на количество nsnp в данный момент ~ Почему не хватает двух?
# F stats for each analysis
anxiety_hyperten_liberal_meanF <- mean(harm_anxiety_hyperten_liberal$F)
Сравните два F-средних и посмотрите, есть ли какие-нибудь изменения~
После достижения этой точки,На самом деле это хорошо сочетается с твитами прошлой недели.➡TwoSampleMR: комплексный анализ менделевской рандомизацииПодключено,Все, попробуйте